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Articles tagged with: novel

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[15 Nov 2007]

Penguin Canada’s president and publisher David Davidar recently talked to Joseph Planta about his new novel, The Solitude of Emperors (McClelland and Stewart, 2007), his writing, and the state of Canadian publishing.

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[8 Nov 2007]

Author and humorist Will Ferguson talks to Joseph Planta about his new novel, Spanish Fly (Viking, 2007), a humorous rid through the American southwest with a group of memorable confidence tricksters.

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[5 Nov 2007]

Internationally acclaimed writer Kiran Desai recently spoke with Joseph Planta about her Booker Prize winning novel, The Inheritance of Loss (Penguin, 2007).

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[5 Nov 2007]

Author Elizabeth Hay talks to Joseph Planta about her new novel, a 2007 Giller Prize nominee, Late Nights on Air (McClelland and Stewart, 2007).

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[22 Oct 2007]

Bestselling and critically acclaimed author and Edmonton Journal columnist Todd Babiak talks to Joseph Planta about, The Book of Stanley (McClelland and Stewart, 2007), his new novel about religion and how his characters react to it.

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[6 Nov 2006]

Bestselling and acclaimed author Wayne Johnston recently spoke with Joseph Planta about his latest novel, The Custodian of Paradise (Knopf, 2006). As well, Johnston talked about how he wrote, and how he created his most remembered characters.

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[18 Apr 2006]

Satirist and bestselling author Tony Hendra talked with Joseph Planta about his new novel, The Messiah of Morris Avenue (Henry Holt, 2006), a funny and insightful novel about what would happen if Christ came back to walk amongst a nation where the religious right dominates every aspect of American life. Hendra also offers his thoughts about the current political climate in the United States, and his previous memoir, Father Joe, is also discussed.

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[6 Mar 2006]

Leah McLaren from the Globe and Mail talked with Joseph Planta about her new bestselling novel, The Continuity Girl (HarperCollins, 2006). She discussed her book’s heroine, the ‘sperm bandit’ Meredith Moore, and the reaction that the book has had so far, including a rather savage review from Ryan Bigge.

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[7 Jun 2005]

Author Hugo Bonjean talked with Joseph Planta about his book, In the Eyes of Anahita (Eagle Vision, 2004), a thought-provoking book looking at the condition of the developing world in South America, and how North Americans and others are part of the problems there. The book is fictionalised novel, but it’s a very thoughtful book about the condition of the world today.

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[15 Sep 2004]

Marty Beckerman, journalist and the spokesman for his doomed generation, as well as the author of Generation S.L.U.T.: A Brutal Feel-Up Session with Today’s Sex-Crazed Adolescent Populace talked with Joseph Planta about his provocative and ingenious book, as well as discussed writing, politics, the culture wars.