Articles tagged with: memoir
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The legendary author and sports columnist Jim Taylor talks about the memoir he co-wrote with Dal Richards: One More Time! The Dal Richards Story (Harbour Publishing, 2009), with Joseph Planta; they also talk about music, jazz, the upcoming Olympics, and more.
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The legendary Dal Richards discusses his new memoir One More Time! The Dal Richards Story (Harbour Publishing, 2009), with Joseph Planta; they discuss his robust health at 91, his wife Muriel Honey’s influence on his life and career, the music that many Vancouverites have danced to, giving Michael BublĂ© his first paying singing engagement, as well as the many gigs he’s got down the road.
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The author and poet Karen Connelly talks to Joseph Planta about her new memoir, Burmese Lessons: A Love Story (Doubleday, 2009). Amidst the military dictatorship in Burma, Connelly has a love affair with a young revolutionary named Maung, which is discussed, as well as Connelly’s writing process, and prize winning.
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The Globe and Mail’s Deirdre Kelly talks to Joseph Planta about her memoir, Paris Times Eight: Finding Myself in the City of Dreams (Greystone, 2009), a look at the trips she made to France over the years, and how each shaped her life, giving her an understanding of herself, her family and more.
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The author and journalist Jane Christmas discusses her new memoir, Incontinent on the Continent: My Mother, Her Walker, and Our Grand Tour of Italy (Greystone, 2009), with Joseph Planta.
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2007 National Geographic Adventurers of the Year Colin Angus and Julie Angus talk to Joseph Planta about their new book, Rowed Trip: From Scotland to Syria by Oar (Doubleday, 2009), which chronicles their boat, bike and foot travels to the homelands of their parents.
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The poet and writer Brian Brett discusses his new memoir Trauma Farm: A Rebel History of Rural Life (Greystone, 2009) with Joseph Planta.
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Dianne Whelan, an adventurer, filmmaker and author discusses her 2,000 kilometre journey in the Arctic, with Joseph Planta; she discusses what it’s like travelling with Canadian rangers charged with patrolling the Arctic, climate change, Arctic sovereignty, as well as her new book, This Vanishing Land: A Woman’s Journey to the Canadian Arctic (Caitlin Press, 2009), and her new film, This Land, which screened at the Vancouver International Film Festival.
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The director of communications for the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and former Newsweek correspondent Michael Meyer discusses his new book, The Year that Changed the World: The Untold Story Behind the Fall of the Berlin Wall (Scribner, 2009), with Joseph Planta; they talk about the events in eastern Europe twenty years ago in Hungary and throughout the communist bloc that led to the fall of the Wall, Romania and the Ceausescu’s, and the lessons we can apply to today.
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The Globe and Mail’s Ian Brown discusses his new memoir The Boy in the Moon: A Father’s Search for His Disabled Son (Random House, 2009), a heart-rending yet uplifting chronicle of his son’s life with cardiofaciocutaneous (CFC), a rare genetic disorder.