The award-winning writer Lori Hahnel discusses her new novel Flicker (University of Calgary Press, 2023), with Joseph Planta.
The award-winning journalist Ria Renouf discusses transitioning into communications, her thoughts on journalism, and the importance of representation in the media, with Joseph Planta.
The broadcaster and author Ken Reid, co-anchor of Sportsnet Central, discusses his new book Ken Reid’s Hometown Hockey Heroes (Simon & Schuster, 2023), with Joseph Planta.
The specialty skater Jessa MacDonald discusses performing in Disney On Ice presents Frozen & Encanto, at the Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver 22-26 November 2023, with Joseph Planta.
The journalist Teodoro Alcuitas, one of the co-editors of Magdaragat: An Anthology of Filipino-Canadian Writing (Coromorant Books, 2023), discusses the collection with Joseph Planta.
The noted cultural commentator Max Wyman discusses his new book The Compassionate Imagination: How the Arts Are Central to a Functioning Democracy (Cormorant Books, 2023), with Joseph Planta.
The linguist, lexicographer, writer, and technologist Sarah Ogilvie, a professor at Oxford University, discusses her new book The Dictionary People: The Unsung Heroes Who Created the Oxford English University (Knopf, 2023), with Joseph Planta.
The distinguished playwright and poet Dan O’Brien discusses his memoir From Scarsdale (Dalkey Archive Press, 2023), with Joseph Planta.
The renowned biologist Wayne McCrory discusses his new book The Wild Horses of the Chilcotin: Their History and Future (Harbour Publishing, 2023), with Joseph Planta.
The writer and illustrator Hana Shafi discusses her new collection of poems and illustrations People You Know, Places You’ve Been (Book*hug Press, 2023), with Joseph Planta.
The actress and singer Barbara Bayes discusses the new production of Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical at Vancouver’s The Centre, 777 Homer Street from 14-18 November 2023, with Joseph Planta.
The acclaimed performer of stage and screen R.H. Thomson discusses his new book By the Ghost Light: Wars, Memory, and Families (Alfred E. Knopf, 2023), with Joseph Planta.
The playwright and writer C.E. Gatchalian, one of the editors of Magdaragat: An Anthology of Filipino-Canadian Writing (Coromorant Books, 2023), discusses the collection with Joseph Planta.
The writer Paola Ferrante discusses her debut short story collection Her Body Among Animals (Book*hug Press, 2023), with Joseph Planta.
The writer and critic Peter Counter discusses his new memoir How to Restore a Timeline: On Violence and Memory (House of Anansi Press, 2023), with Joseph Planta.