The acclaimed and celebrated guitarist, musician, and composer Ken Hatfield discusses his new album, a guitar and vocal duet album with the vocalist Eric Hoffman, Stirrings Still (Arthur Circle Music, 2023), with Joseph Planta.
The author and editor Jen Sookfong Lee discusses her new memoir Superfan: How Pop Culture Broke My Heart (McClelland & Stewart, 2023), with Joseph Planta.
The art historian Fanny Curtat, the art historian consultant for Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience, discusses the exhibition which will open Wednesday, 01 February 2023 at the Cloverdale Fairgrounds Agriplex, with Joseph Planta.
The bestselling author and popular food personality Candice Hutchings discusses her recent book The Edgy Veg Easy Eats (Robert Rose, 2022), with Joseph Planta.
The journalist and CityNews1130 news anchor John Ackermann discusses his work, radio, and with Joseph Planta shares their favourite books of the year.
The historian and bestselling author Derek Hayes discusses his new book Incredible Crossings: The History and Art of the Bridges, Tunnels and Inland Ferries That Connect British Columbia (Harbour Publishing, 2022), with Joseph Planta.
The poet and educator Shauna Paull discusses her poetry collection blue gait (Mother Tongue Publishing, 2021), with Joseph Planta.
The award-winning writer and food journalist David Joachim discusses the third edition of his bestselling The Food Substitutions Bible: 8,000 Substitutions for Ingredients, Equipment & Techniques (Robert Rose, 2022), with Joseph Planta.
The author and creative director of the Al Hirschfeld Foundation David Leopold discusses the new collection of Hirschfeld’s work that he edited, The American Theatre As Seen By Hirschfeld, 1962-2002 (2022), with Joseph Planta.
The award-winning cabaret and jazz vocalist Celia Berk discusses her new album Now That I Have Everything (Gramercy Nightingale, 2022), with Joseph Planta.
The former politician and bureaucrat Bob Williams discusses his new book, written with Benjamin Isitt and Thomas Bevan, Using Power Well: Bob Williams and the Making of British Columbia (Harbour Publishing, 2022), with Joseph Planta.
The poet and writer Jane Munro discusses her new collection of poetry False Creek (Harbour Publishing, 2022), and more, with Joseph Planta.
The activist and writer Jamal Saeed discusses his memoir My Road from Damascus (ECW Press, 2022), with Joseph Planta.
The journalist and former BC finance minister Carole Taylor discusses her new CHEK television program BC Legends, her career in public service, and more, with Joseph Planta.
The writer and film historian Mary Graham discusses her new book A Stunning Backdrop: Alberta in the Movies, 1917-1960 (Bighorn Books, 2022), with Joseph Planta.