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David duChemin

7 January 2013 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

The photographer and bestselling author David duChemin discusses his work, art, photography and his new book, The Print and the Process: Taking Compelling Photographs from Vision to Expression (Peachpit/New Riders, 2012), with Joseph Planta.

The Print and the Process: Taking Compelling Photographs from Vision to Expression by David duChemin (Peachpit/New Riders, 2012).

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: The Print and the Process

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver at TheCommentary.ca.

David duChemin joins me now. He’s been described a lot of ways, but best is perhaps that of photographer. He’s a world traveller, as his assignment work for not-for-profits takes him all over the world. I’ll get him to explain what a ‘world and humanitarian photographer’ does, as well we’ll reflect on his work and career. There was a stint at theology school and some years as a comedian. His latest book is The Print and the Process: Taking Compelling Photographs from Vision to Expression. It’s published by Peachpit/New Riders. The other books are Photographically Speaking, Within the Frame, VisionMongers, Vision and Voice, and a series of eBooks. Go to www.davidduchemin.com for more information as well as details on how to get these books. The ones I’ve seen are visually stunning, and there’s a lot of advice for photogs or not. But you’ll be able to get some big picture photography advice, and perhaps he’ll share one or two now. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, here in Vancouver today, David duChemin; Mr. duChemin, good morning.