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Michael J. McCann

The author Michael J. McCann discusses his new novel, The Fregoli Delusion (Plaid Raccoon Press, 2012), the mystery series of which this book is the third, writing, with Joseph Planta.

The Fregoli Delusion by Michael J. McCann (Plaid Raccoon Press, 2012).

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: The Fregoli Delusion [1]

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver at TheCommentary.ca.

The author Michael J. McCann joins me now. His latest novel is called The Fregoli Delusion. It’s a murder mystery that’s the third in the Donaghue and Stainer crime novel series. In this book Lieutenant Hank Donaghue and Detective Karen Stainer have to solve the murder of billionaire H.J. Jarrett, who was shot to death. I’ll get Mr. McCann to tell us about this book, the sort of themes discussed like the psychotic disorder that this book is named after, who Donaghue and Stainer are, and more. Michael McCann joins me from his home in Oxford Station, Ontario. He has written three other books, the thriller The Ghost Man, and the two previous books in the series, Blood Passage and Marcie’s Murder. The website for more is at www.mjmccann.com [2]. This book is published by Plaid Raccoon Press. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Michael McCann; Mr. McCann, good morning.