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Richard Stursberg

16 May 2012 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

The former head of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s English services, Richard Stursberg discusses his time at the network, broadcasting in Canada, and his new book, The Tower of Babble: Sins, Secrets, and Successes Inside the CBC (Douglas & McIntyre, 2012), with Joseph Planta.

The Tower of Babble: Sins, Secrets, and Successes Inside the CBC by Richard Stursberg (Douglas & MacIntyre, 2012).

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: The Tower of Babble

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver at TheCommentary.ca.

That the CBC is Canada’s largest and most important cultural institution is without question. Whether it’s relevant and subsequently useful is something that’s always debated by Canadians wherever they are on the political spectrum. A new book has put the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation into focus, The Tower of Babble: Sins, Secrets, and Successes Inside the CBC. In a way this book validates how one feels about the CBC, whether you wish its demise, or whether you will its survival. Richard Stursberg is the book’s author. He is the former head of CBC’s English services, overseeing television and radio. He was once executive director of Telefilm Canada. He chaired the Canadian Television Fund, was CEO of Star Choice, and was president of the Canadian Cable Television Association. He was in government too, serving as assistant deputy minister for culture and broadcasting. He was at the CBC from 2004 until 2010. We’ll ask him about his experience at the CBC, his successes and some of the failures. It’s a great view onto this institution we either love or loath. The book is published by Douglas & McIntyre. It’s candid and telling. The website for more is at www.towerofbabble.ca. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, in Vancouver today, Richard Stursberg; Mr. Stursberg, good morning.