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Fraser Nixon

25 May 2011 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

The author Fraser Nixon discusses his first book, a literary thriller, The Man Who Killed (Douglas & McIntyre, 2011), with Joseph Planta.

The Man Who Killed by Fraser Nixon. (Douglas & McIntyre, 2011)

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: The Man Who Killed

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver at TheCommentary.ca.

The author of a new book that has gotten a lot of good notices joins me now. The Man Who Killed is the first novel from Fraser Nixon. I see that this past weekend, it’s on the bestseller list here in BC. The reviews include some superlatives like the book is “an unqualified showstopper of a first novel,” and “a rip-roaring page-turning thriller.” It is set in Montreal, 1926. Jack, a real colourful rogue, offers the book’s narrator, Mick a job running booze across the border. There’s sex, murder, politics, and celebrity. The era comes alive with Mr. Nixon’s wonderfully stylish writing. We get a sense of the smoke and smell of booze in the air, as well as the sound of the language, the vernacular of the era, which reads so well in this book. Fraser Nixon was born on the West Coast and has lived in Toronto, Paris, and Montreal. He’s an actor, painter, electrical apprentice, and hotel night manager. He has worked in various sales jobs as well. The website for more is at www.frasernixon.com. The book is published by Douglas & McIntyre. Incidentally, Fraser will be appearing as part of the Real Vancouver Writers Series, hosted by our old friend Sean Cranbury, next Monday, the 30th at W2. In Vancouver, please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Fraser Nixon; Good morning, Mr. Nixon.