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Cornelia Hoogland

The poet and writer Cornelia Hoogland discusses her writing and career, and receiving a prize from the League of Canadian Poets, the 2023 Colleen Thibaudeau Award, with Joseph Planta.

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, British Columbia, at TheCommentary.ca.

Cornelia Hoogland joins me now. The poet and writer is one of two recipients of the 2023 Colleen Thibaudeau Award for Outstanding Contribution, given by the League of Canadian Poets. The prize recognises thirty years of volunteering in the national literary community across Canada. She founded and was the first director of both Antler River Poetry in London, Ontario, and Poetry Hornby Island, which she continues to lead. I’ll ask Cornelia why she has devoted much of her time to volunteering in service of writers in Canada. We’ll reflect on the various and varied literary communities in this country as well. Cornelia Hoogland is the author of eight books, including Cosmic Bowling (with Ted Goodden), Trailer Park Elegy, and Dressed in Only a Cardigan She Picks Up Her Tracks in the Snow. She is professor emeritus in the faculty of education at London, Ontario’s Western University. Visit www.corenliahoogland.com [1] for more information. She joined me from Cortes Island, British Columbia earlier this week. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Cornelia Hoogland; Ms. Hoogland, good morning.