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Joanne Tsung

The comedian Joanne Tsung discusses her work as well as the new documentary series Killjoy Comedy, which features her and other queer and racialised comics (Lil Clitty, Ashlee Ferral, Sasha Mark, Sunee Dhaliwal, and Tin Lorica) airing now on OUTtvGo, with Joseph Planta.

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, British Columbia, at TheCommentary.ca.

There’s a new documentary series out now called Killjoy Comedy. It features six comedians who discuss their comedy, what drew them to stand up, and the kind of humour they represent through their work. These are six queer and racialised comics: Lil Clitty, Ashlee Ferral, Sasha Mark, Sunee Dhaliwal, Tin Lorica, and Joanne Tsung, who joins me now. I’ll ask Joanne about her journey to stand up, the kind of stand up she and the others in this series would like to see on stages across the country and beyond, and what it’s like to be on stage and make audiences laugh. I’ll ask her about what makes her laugh, and more. This new series is created by Shana Myara, and is available on OUTtvGo (www.outtvgo.com [1]). Visit www.killjoycomedy.com [2] for more information. And Joanne’s own website is at www.joannetsung.com [3] for dates to shows, links to videos and more. Joanne Tsung is a graduate of the University of Victoria, who immigrated to Vancouver in the late 1990s with her parents and siblings from Taiwan. She’s co-hosted Burnaby Pride, and has been featured on a number of outlets including CBC Vancouver, and the Pop This! podcast. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Joanne Tsung; Ms. Tsung, good morning.