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Candice Hutchings

24 January 2023 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

The bestselling author and popular food personality Candice Hutchings discusses her recent book The Edgy Veg Easy Eats (Robert Rose, 2022), with Joseph Planta.

The Edgy Veg: Easy Eats by Candice Hutchings (Robert Rose, 2022).

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: The Edgy Veg

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, British Columbia, at TheCommentary.ca.

Candice Hutchings joins me now. The face of the popular Edgy Veg on YouTube and Instagram recently published a new book, The Edgy Veg Easy Eats. There are dozens of recipes in the book that look delicious, not complicated, and easy to pull off regardless of one’s aptitude in the kitchen, or how well-fitted one’s kitchen is. You can do most everything in the book with what most of us have in our kitchens already. And the recipes here take no more than forty-five minutes to complete. We’ll never use the excuse that vegan cooking is time consuming or complicated again. I’ll ask Ms. Hutchings about the food she regularly serves up at home, for herself or guests, what kind of substitutes there are for things like bacon or feta cheese, as well as whether this lifestyle can be cost-effective especially now when we’re watching the prices at grocery stores climb. It’s been twelve years since her previous book, the bestselling, The Edgy Veg: 138 Carnivore-Approved Vegan Recipes was published. I’ll ask about the process in testing and photographing what’s in the book, as well as what her pandemic was like. Visit www.theedgyveg.com for more, and links to the popular YouTube videos. This book is published by Robert Rose. We taped this interview two weeks ago. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Candice Hutchings; Ms. Hutchings, good morning.