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Adrian Raeside

25 November 2021 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

The famed editorial cartoonist Adrian Raeside discusses his new collection The World According to Dogs: An Owner’s Manual (Harbour Publishing, 2021), with Joseph Planta.

The World According to Dogs: An Owner’s Manual by Adrian Raeside (Harbour Publishing, 2021).

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: The World According to Dogs

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, British Columbia, at TheCommentary.ca.

Adrian Raeside joins me again. He’s got a new book out, already a bestseller, The World According to Dogs: An Owner’s Manual. Adrian gets into the minds of dogs and shows the reader what they’re thinking about, what they think we do that’s dumb, and what they really want. It’s an often entertaining, funny, and charming book. Raeside depicts dogs at their cutest and at their most destructive, at their most playful and their messiest, and that can be all at the same time. It’s always a delight to look at Raeside’s work, and when he’s got dogs at the other end of his pen, it’s especially amusing. I’m not a dog person, never was and don’t think I’ll ever be, but it’s always fun to have a Raeside collection in one’s hands and try to understand these canine’s just a little bit better. Adrian Raeside’s popular The Other Coast comic strip appears in over 200 newspapers. He’s been an editorial cartoonist for over four decades, and is the author of over twenty books. They include 2012’s No Sailing Waits and Other Ferry Fails: 30 Years of BC Ferries Cartoons, The Best of Adrian Raeside (from 2014), and Tails Don’t Lie from 2013, and Tails Don’t Lie 2 (which was published in 2017), books he was kind enough to appear on this program with when they were each released. Visit www.raesidecartoon.com for more. This new book is published by Harbour. He joined me from his home on Vancouver Island, eleven days ago. Please welcome back to the Planta: On the Line program, Adrian Raeside; Mr. Raeside, good morning.