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Silver Donald Cameron

25 November 2016 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

The prolific author Silver Donald Cameron talks about his latest book Warrior Lawyers: From Manila to Manhattan, Attorneys for the Earth (Paper Tiger, 2016), with Joseph Planta.

Warrior Lawyers: From Manila to Manhattan, Attorneys for the Earth by Silver Donald Cameron (Paper Tiger, 2016).

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: Warrior Lawyers

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, at TheCommentary.ca.

Silver Donald Cameron joins me now. He has just travelled across Canada to screen his new documentary and publicise the accompanying book. The book is called Warrior Lawyers: From Manila to Manhattan, Attorneys for the Earth. It’s a book that accompanies the film, which both feature interviews conducted with trailblazing lawyers across the world, who are leading the way taking on national governments and global corporations when it comes to guaranteeing the human right to a healthy environment. The book and film ask the fundamental question, why then not in Canada and the United States? Don Cameron is a prolific author whose work includes non-fiction, plays, films, radio, novels, and journalism. He was the first Dean of the School of Community Studies at what was then the University College of Cape Breton, he has taught at Dalhousie, the University of New Brunswick, the Banff Centre, and UBC, where earned an undergraduate degree. Other degrees were had from the University of California, and the University of London, England. He’s received honorary doctorates as well, and is a Member of the Order of Nova Scotia, and a Member of the Order of Canada. Visit www.silverdonaldcameron.ca for more. The film and the book can be had at www.TheGreenInterview.com. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, in person today, Don Cameron; Dr. Cameron, good morning.