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David Berner

29 June 2016 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

The broadcaster, author, and counsellor David Berner joins Joseph Planta in person to talk about recent travels, his Pick Up the Pickle video posts, shares anecdotes from his years of broadcasting, affordability in Vancouver, drug use, and more.

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, at TheCommentary.ca.

David Berner joins me again. If you follow him on Twitter or on Facebook, you’ll have noticed that he’s been posting these segments three or so minute segments on YouTube. They’re called Pick Up the Pickle, and it’s a story or anecdote. They’re examples of David’s marvelous gift of storytelling, leavened with some wisdom. I’ll get David to tell us about these daily posts, as well as we’ll chat about work as a counsellor, his years of broadcasting and perhaps some of the current affairs issues that he’s thinking about. David Berner is a broadcaster, author, and actor. His website is at www.davidberner.com. On the site, you’ll find information about his book, All the Way Home: Building Recovery That Works, and how and where to get it. I found this Denny Boyd column from 1988 where he writes of David: “The Berner qualities I’ve admired in the 20 years I’ve known him are his infectious wit, his sense of community, and his puncture-proof optimism that all the doors would open to him one day.” Those are the qualities that have made him a popular broadcaster in this town, abilities I marvelled at as a kid listening to him far-too late at night, or far-too early in the morning when he would broadcast after midnight on CKNW, and across Canada. He’s a mensch for making his way over here today for a chat. It’s as good a time as any to catch up. Please welcome back to the Planta: On the Line program, in person today, David Berner; Mr. Berner, good morning.