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Drew Hayden Taylor

3 June 2015 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

The acclaimed author and playwright Drew Hayden Taylor discusses the new collection of essays he’s edited, Me Artsy (Douglas & McIntyre, 2015), essays that look at the Native experience and artistic expression and various disciplines, with Joseph Planta.

Me Artsy edited by Drew Hayden Taylor (Douglas & McIntyre, 2015).

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: Me Artsy

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, at TheCommentary.ca.

Drew Hayden Taylor joins me again. He’s compiled and edited a terrific, inspiring collection: Me Artsy. The book features essays from fourteen contributors, including Mr. Taylor, who reflect on their various disciplines such as filmmaking, fashion, music, painting, storytelling, and cuisine, and look at how their artistry is inspired by the First Nations experience. For example, in the book Drew writes about writing for the stage, and how storytelling for the theatre affected his life and remarkable output as a writer. I’ll get Drew to tell us about the notable people that are in this book alongside him, and what sort of conversation emerges from a collection like this, which follows two previous books Me Funny, and Me Sexy. Drew Hayden Taylor is the award-winning playwright, novelist, scriptwriter, and journalist. He was born and raised on the Curve Lake First Nation in Central Ontario. He has written over twenty-five books, and was last on for his novel, Motorcycles and Sweetgrass. The website for more is at www.drewhaydentaylor.com. This collection is published by Douglas & McIntyre. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, in Toronto this day, Drew Hayden Taylor; Mr. Taylor, good morning.