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Nika Azizi, Bayan Azizi

25 May 2015 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

Bayan Azizi and his mother Nika Azizi, discuss his memoir, Me, Myself and My Brain Stem Tumour: Memoirs of a Pediatric Brain Cancer Survivor (Everywhere Now, 2015), with Joseph Planta.

Me, Myself and My Brain Stem Tumour: Memoirs of a Pediatric Brain Cancer Survivor by Bayan Azizi (Everywhere Now, 2015).

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: Me, Myself and My Brain Stem Tumour: Memoirs of a Pediatric Brain Cancer Survivor

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, at TheCommentary.ca.

An inspirational memoir is the new book from Bayan Azizi. He’s a 25 year old who at the age of nine was diagnosed with a rare brain stem tumour. Since then he’s endured three brain surgeries, rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, not to mention having to navigate through the medical system. Despite it all, it’s not all bleak. There’s a very uplifting story here about family, about community, about the triumph of will over the challenges that life deals you. Bayan’s mother, Nika joins me now. We’ll discuss her son, who despite a long process of recovery, wrote this honest, touching, and inspiring book. And a little later, we’ll talk to Bayan and meet this remarkable young man who teaches us to live life to its fullest. The book is titled Me, Myself and My Brain Stem Tumour: Memoirs of a Pediatric Brain Cancer Survivor. Nika Azizi and her husband Hessan, came to Canada after living in Iran, the United Kingdom, and in Africa. They’ve raised three children, and live in North Vancouver. Bayan Azizi attends Capilano University, and works part-time in marketing for a local moving firm. The book is incredibly heartfelt and honest. It’s a compelling read. The book is published by Everywhere Now. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Nika Azizi; Mrs. Azizi, good morning.