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10 September 2014 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

The CKNW radio personality Drex discusses his new weeknight show (6.00 – 10.00pm) Drex Live, radio, and more, with Joseph Planta.

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, at TheCommentary.ca.

His real name is Justin Wilcomes, but he’s better known as Drex. He’s just started the regular evening time slot at CKNW, with his program Drex Live. It’s quickly getting quite the following. Drex has been filling in on CKNW over the last year or so, and you likely see him regularly on BC1. He’s held down radio jobs throughout the province over the last five years in Castlegar, Nelson, Kelowna, Courtney, Powell River, and Campbell River, before coming to Vancouver’s CFOX in 2013, and then CKNW. It was on the Island where a lot of us first heard of Drex, when Premier Christy Clark appeared on his radio program there, and was asked the infamous MILF question. He got fired soon after, and it made a lot of news. If you’ve ever listened to him, you’ll find he’s an enthusiastic personality on the air, funny, as well as inquisitive and opinionated. He’s terribly engaging and affable, as well as biting and scathing. He joins me now to talk about his show, which you can hear on CKNW weeknights 6.00 to 10.00pm, where he follows our old friend Mike Eckford, who’s on at 2pm. I’ll also Drex about radio, what about this medium, on which he’s quite effective, that he loves. It goes back to a young age apparently, in his native Australia. @Drex is the Twitter handle, and the website for more is at www.radiodrex.com. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Drex; Mr. Wilcomes, good morning.