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Ron Saxen

This is the Planta: On the Line program here at THECOMMENTARY.CA.

At the age of 21, my next guest, was a successful model. He weighed 180 lbs. Six months later he was 70 lbs heavier; his modelling career effectively ended. Ron Saxen tells his story in a new memoir, The Good Eater: The True Story of One Man’s Struggle with Binge Eating Disorder. It is a compelling book written by the Berkley, California native who joins me from here in Vancouver. Published by New Harbinger, the book retails for $31.95. He’s been on everything for this book, CNN, Good Morning America, NPR, the CBC, and others-it’s been written up in Newsweek as well-so he doesn’t need to be on with us, but we’re happy to have him nonetheless. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Ron Saxen; Good morning, Mr. Saxen.