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John English

This is the Planta: On the Line program here at THECOMMENTARY.CA.

Many books have already been written about him, and doubtless many more will be written. The latest is the first volume of what’s described as the definitive biography of Pierre Elliott Trudeau. How this differs from other books is that it is the first to have benefited from unprecedented and complete access to Trudeau’s private letters and papers. What they reveal is interesting.

Citizen of the World: The Life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Volume One: 1919-1968 is written by the noted biographer, John English, a former MP and professor of history at the University of Waterloo. He is also the author of the bestselling two-volume biography of Lester Pearson, Shadow of Heaven and The Worldly Years.

Citizen of the World, $39.95, published by Knopf, covers the years 1919-Trudeau’s birth–up to the 1968 Liberal Party convention that elected him leader and installed him as prime minister. I am pleased to welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, John English; Good morning, Professor English.