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John Doyle

I am Planta: On the Line program here at THECOMMENTARY.CA.

John Doyle is the Globe and Mail’s television critic. He’s written the daily television column since 2000, and has been with the paper since 1997. Before that he wrote for their television magazine. If you’ve been reading him this week, he’s in town to talk to television makers in these parts on the state of production and so forth. He’s also got out now, the paperback version of his wonderful 2005 memoir, A Great Feast of Light: Growing Up Irish in the Television Age. Published by Anchor, the softcover retails for $22.00. This is a great book, beautifully written, and a favourite of mine. I am pleased to welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, John Doyle; Good morning, Mr. Doyle.