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Andrea Mandel-Campbell

This is the Planta: On the Line program here at THECOMMENTARY.CA.

Business journalist and author Andrea Mandel-Campbell was the Mexico bureau chief for London’s Financial Times, and a correspondent for Business Week magazine in Argentina. Her work has appeared in a number of notable publications, and since returning to Canada in 2002, she was a feature writer at the National Post, and has also appeared in Maclean’s and The Walrus.

She’s the author of a new book, Why Mexicans Don’t Drink Molson: Rescuing Canadian Business from the Suds of Global Obscurity, a wake-up call of sorts calling on Canadian companies to play a larger role in the international marketplace. She points out the too few successes Canadian business have had abroad, and the potential that still exists. Published by Douglas and McIntyre, Why Mexicans Don’t Drink Molson retails for $34.95. Andrea Mandel-Campbell spoke with me from here in Vancouver. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Andrea Mandel-Campbell; Good morning, Ms. Mandel-Campbell.