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Helen Piddington

23 December 2010 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

The noted artist and author Helen Piddington discusses her memoir, Rumble Seat: A Victorian Childhood Remembered (Harbour Publishing, 2010), with Joseph Planta.

Rumble Seat: A Victorian Childhood Remembered by Helen Piddington. (Harbour Publishing, 2010)

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: Rumble Seat

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver at THECOMMENTARY.CA.

In 1924 around Christmas Major Arthur Grosvenor Piddington buys a house in the Victoria, BC suburb of Esquimalt for him and his family. Seven years later, my guest now, Helen Piddington is born, the youngest of nine children. In a new book, Rumble Seat: A Victorian Childhood Remembered, she recounts her fascinating, colourful childhood. The book is a charming look at an interesting family, whose ways and experience provide some instruction as to how to keep house, and more. Helen’s mother is thought of as the ‘brain of the family,’ while her father, ‘the passion.’ With great detail, in over 100 pieces of memory, Helen Piddington captivates with her stories, and gives us these great glimpses into a time gone by. What’s kept alive in this book, has been described as a ‘valuable addition to the social history of British Columbia.’ Rumble Seat is from Harbour Publishing. Helen Piddington is a renowned printmaker and artist. Her previous book was The Inlet. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program from Loughborough Inlet, Helen Piddington; Good morning, Ms. Piddington.