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Richard Harvell

The writer Richard Harvell discusses his first novel, The Bells (Random House, 2010), with Joseph Planta.

The Bells by Richard Harvell. (Random House, 2010)

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: The Bells [1]

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

In Vancouver, I am Planta: On the Line. This is THECOMMENTARY.CA.

The Bells is a new novel from first time novelist Richard Harvell. It is a book about a celebrated opera singer who is born to a bell keeper in the Swiss Alps. As a boy, Moses Froben, is affected by the bells developing a gift for sound. He ends up meeting two travelling monks and then he meets Ulrich, a choirmaster, who then has Moses castrated, as he possess a remarkable voice. The book tells the story, takes us through loves, marriage, and the premiere of one of history’s most beloved operas. Richard Harvell is in Vancouver this day, and joins us to talk about his story, and this book, The Bells. He was born in New Hampshire, and studied at Dartmouth. He lives with his wife and son in Basel, Switzerland. The Bells is published by Random House. His website is at www.richardharvell.com [2]. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Richard Harvell; Good morning, Mr. Harvell.