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Laura Robinson

The author and journalist Laura Robinson discusses her new book Cyclist Bikelist: The Book for Every Rider (Tundra Books, 2010), with Joseph Planta.

Cyclist Bikelist: The Book for Every Rider by Laura Robinson. (Tundra Books, 2010)

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: Cyclist Bikelist [1]

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

In Vancouver, I am Planta: On the Line, and this is THECOMMENTARY.CA.

The journalist and author Laura Robinson joins me now. She’s in Vancouver this week and joins me now to discuss her new book: Cyclist Bikelist: The Book for Every Rider. It’s written for young readers, but I think it’s useful for a general audience. The season cyclist will find the book useful as a resource for tips on what to eat and wear when cycling, as well for the biographical sketches on famous cyclists and innovators throughout history. New riders will find the anatomy of the bike and stuff like that as a good introduction. Laura Robinson is a freelance journalist, former member of Canada’s national cycling team, as well, she is a former rowing champion. This Saturday, the 10th she’ll be at the Reckless Bike Store on Davie, as part of an event with the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition. Cyclist Bikelist is published by Tundra Books. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Laura Robinson; Good morning, Ms. Robinson.