Vaughn Palmer - Monday, 27 April 2009
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Veteran Vancouver Sun columnist Vaughn Palmer joins Joseph Planta to discuss the current election and referendum campaign; the John Van Dongen story, the forthcoming television leaders debate, whether STV will pass, and the NDP's lacklustre campaign thus far are discussed.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
I am Planta: On the Line. This is THECOMMENTARY.CA.
Vaughn Palmer joins me now. As we continue looking at the provincial election and referendum campaign, there's no one better to talk to. He is the Vancouver Sun's most popular columnist. You can read him on page 3 of the A section. He's been at the Sun since 1973, and has written a political column since 1984 when he succeeded Marjorie Nichols. He hosts Voice of BC, Thursday nights on Shaw television. He has received the lifetime achievement award from the Jack Webster Foundation named after his mentor, Bruce Hutchison. I'm very pleased to welcome to Planta: On the Line program, Vaughn Palmer; Good morning, Mr. Palmer.
Vancouver Sun column: http://www.vancouversun.com/columnists/vaughn_palmer.html
Voice of BC: http://vancouver.shawtv.com/voiceofbc_mainpage.htm
©1999-2009. The Commentary, Joseph Planta