Irwin Loy - Sunday, 26 April 2009
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The 24 Hours paper's Irwin Loy talks about the current provincial election and referendum campaigns, looking at the John Van Dongen situation, the NDP campaign stumbles, Ray Lam dropping out of the race, the carbon tax, and what to expect in some Vancouver ridings, with Joseph Planta.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
I am Planta: On the Line. This is THECOMMENTARY.CA.
We continue talking about the provincial election and referendum campaigns with Irwin Loy from the 24 Hours paper. We'll discuss the leaders, the issues, and more, like how the John Van Dongen story over his licence being revoked will play. http://www.irwinloy.com is his website. Please welcome back to the Planta: On the Line program, Irwin Loy; Good morning, Mr. Loy.
Irwin Loy website: http://www.irwinloy.com
24 Hours website: http://vancouver.24hrs.ca//a>
©1999-2009. The Commentary, Joseph Planta