David Chudnovsky - Wednesday, 08 April 2009
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The outgoing NDP MLA for Vancouver Kensington David Chudnovsky talks to Joseph Planta about the past four years in provincial politics, the state of COPE, and what to expect in the forthcoming election.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
I am Planta: On the Line. This is THECOMMENTARY.CA.
Between now and the election and referendum here in British Columbia on the 12th of May, I'll be doing a number of interviews on the campaign and more. We hope to meet some of the candidates, as well as get the insights and analysis of the pundits and journalists we've had on over the years, and possibly more.
Four years ago, during the last campaign I was very pleased to host all of the candidates in the riding I live in, Vancouver Kensington. Now, the guy who won the last time is not seeking re-election. He joins me now to look back at the last four years, as well as what to expect in this campaign. David Chudnovsky is the outgoing NDP MLA for Vancouver Kensington. He is a past president of the BC Teacher's Federation, and has just been elected to the board of COPE, the Coalition of Progressive Electors here in Vancouver. Please welcome back to the Planta: On the Line program, David Chudnovsky; Good morning, Mr. Chudnovsky.
David Chudnovsky website: http://www.davidchudnovsky.bc.ca/
©1999-2009. The Commentary, Joseph Planta