John Zaritsky - Wednesday, 11 March 2009
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The Academy Award winning documentary filmmaker John Zaritsky discusses his film The Wild Horse Redemption, which has its premiere on CBC Television, Thursday, 11 March 2009, as well as his career and winning an Oscar, with Joseph Planta.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
I am Planta: On the Line. This is THECOMMENTARY.CA.
Thursday night on the CBC is the world television premiere of the documentary, The Wild Horse Redemption. It premiered at the 2007 Toronto International Film Festival to great acclaim. It gives us a look at an innovative program in Colorado. An estimated 32,000 wild horses roam the American Southwest, and the US Bureau of Land Management round up a number of mustangs and takes them to Canon City, Colorado at a correctional facility there, where the horses are paired up with an inmate, often a dangerous one at that. They have 90 days to train the horse for border patrols. The film gives us a view of the inmate and the wild mustang, and how together they train one another for life outside. We meet the trainers and some of the criminals who participate in this successful program. The film is directed by the noted filmmaker John Zaritsky. He's been nominated and won nearly every award there is, and has directed such notable films as The Suicide Tourist, College Days, College Nights, Romeo and Juliet in Sarajevo, the Tears Are Not Enough video, and Just Another Missing Kid, for which he won an Oscar. Before his career in film, he was an award winning newspaper journalist. The Wild Horse Redemption airs on the CBC's Doc Zone 8.00 PM this Thursday. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Academy Award winner John Zaritsky; Good morning, Mr. Zaritsky.
The Wild Horse Redemption trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1j9eft3-lc
©1999-2009. The Commentary, Joseph Planta