Holly Doan - Saturday, 07 March 2009
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CPAC's Holly Doan talks to Joseph Planta about her current documentary series, The Premiers, airing Sunday evenings on the Cable Public Affairs Channel, profiling Canadian premiers in history like Joey Smallwood, W.A.C. Bennett, Tommy Douglas, Maurice Duplessis, and Leslie Frost, amongst others.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
I am Planta: On the Line. This is THECOMMENTARY.CA.
The award-winning journalist Holly Doan joins me now. She is the producer and host of a forthcoming ten-part television documentary series, The Premiers. It debuts on CPAC, this Sunday, 01 March. Its episodes profile a premier and the province that he led, and features interviews with historians, colleagues and commentators who bring to life these leaders who not only governed, but who helped shaped this country. What's great about what I've seen of the series is that you get a sense of the times in which the particular leader was active. Kicking off this Sunday is the episode on Newfoundland's Joey Smallwood. The following week, W.A.C. Bennett of British Columbia. Among the other leaders profiled, William Aberhart, Maurice Duplessis, Leslie Frost, Tommy Douglas, and Robert Stanfield. It airs Sunday nights 6.00 PM Pacific/9.00 Eastern on CPAC through to May. On their website is a 24/7 stream, so you can watch the program there as well. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Holly Doan; Good morning, Ms. Doan.
CPAC: http://www.cpac.ca
©1999-2009. The Commentary, Joseph Planta