Michael Kwan - Thursday, 05 February 2009
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Freelance writer and blogger Michael Kwan returns to discuss the Super Bowl episode of The Office, smartphones, and the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, with Joseph Planta.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
I am Planta: On the Line. This is THECOMMENTARY.CA.
Michael Kwan joins me now. The freelance writer and blogger can be read on his blog, Beyond the Rhetoric, which you can find on his website michaelkwan.com. He contributes regularly to Mobile Magazine and other publications online. He is a former contributor to The Commentary. Please welcome once again to the Planta: On the Line program; Good morning, Mr. Kwan.
Michael Kwan website: http://www.michaelkwan.com
Beyond the Rhetoric: http://btr.michaelkwan.com
©1999-2009. The Commentary, Joseph Planta