Martin Stringer - Monday, 06 October 2008
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Martin Stringer, one of the best and recognised reporters in Ottawa, talks to Joseph Planta about travelling the country and being on the campaign hustings, profiling key battleground ridings for CPAC (the Cable Public Affairs Channel).
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
I am Planta: On the Line. This is THECOMMENTARY.CA.
Martin Stringer is one of the best and recognised political reporters in Ottawa. For over twenty years now, he's been covering politics. He reports regularly from Parliament Hill on CPAC, the Cable Public Affairs Channel. And during this election campaign, he's been travelling throughout the country, talking to the candidates and profiling ridings. His reports can be seen regularly, and they are interesting views of a national campaign, locally. Before joining CPAC, Mr. Stringer was a researcher, reporter and producer at CBC Radio's As it Happens. CPAC's available throughout the country on cable, in over 10 million homes in this country. www.cpac.ca is where you can access it live, 24-hours-a-day on your computer. I am pleased to welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Martin Stringer; Good morning, Mr. Stringer.
CPAC: http://www.cpac.ca
©1999-2008. The Commentary, Joseph Planta