Jean-Marc Leger

Tuesday, 18 April 2006Listen

What are the issues that most concerns the world today? The gap between the rich and poor? Terrorism? Hunger? Jean-Marc Leger, President of Leger Marketing was on to talk with Joseph Planta about a new worldwide survey he's directed, a remarkable poll of 53,749 citizens in 68 countries on what the world is concerned with. Accompanying the survey is a new book which reports on their findings, Voice of the People 2006: What the World Thinks on Today's Global Issues (Transcontinental, 2006).

Voice of the People 2006: What the World Thinks on Today's Global Issues. (Transcontinental, 2006)

Click to buy this book from Voice of the People 2006

You will need the Real Player to listen to the interviews. If you don't have it, you can download it at

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

This morning, I'm joined by Jean-Marc Leger, President of Leger Marketing. He's part of a new project called, Voice of the People, a worldwide survey on the significant issues of the day. They've just published their findings in a highly readable and fascinating book, Voice of the People 2006: What the World Thinks on Today's Global Issues, $19.95 from Transcontinental Books. From Canada to sub-Saharan Africa, to the United States to The Philippines, Poland to Hong Kong, and points in-between in 68 countries, over 5,000 interviewers polled 53,749 citizens on the issues that concern them. What's on their minds is fascinating.

Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Jean-Marc Leger; Good morning, Mr. Leger.


Leger Marketing:

©1999-2006. The Commentary, Joseph Planta