Steve Paikin
Thursday, 12 January 2006
This past Monday, TV Ontario's Steve Paikin moderated the English-language leaders debate between Gilles Duceppe, Stephen Harper, Jack Layton, Paul Martin. He talks to Joseph Planta about the experience and what it was like in the room.
You will need the Real Player to listen to the interviews. If you don't have it, you can download it at http://www.real.com.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
Steve Paikin hosts TV Ontario's current affairs programs Studio 2 and Diplomatic Immunity, and was the moderator for the English-language leaders debate this past Monday. His recent book, a biography of John Robarts, Public Triumph, Private Tragedy is still available from Penguin. I'm pleased to welcome once again to THECOMMENTARY.CA, Steve Paikin; Good morning, Mr. Paikin.
Steve Paikin's website: http://www.stevepaikin.com
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