Dennis Brown
Tuesday, 14 June 2005
Dennis Brown, former fishery policy advisor to the premier of BC, and the author of a new book, Salmon Wars: The Battle for the West Coast Fishery (Harbour, 2005), gives Joseph Planta a terrifically informative overview of the industry's history in this province, discussion about the resource, and the political management, or mismanagement, as Brown charges.
You will need the Real Player to listen to the interviews. If you don't have it, you can download it at http://www.real.com.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
Salmon has more often than not defined British Columbia and British Columbians. A new book, Salmon Wars: The Battle for the West Coast Fishery, looks at the natural resource how it's been managed, and the so-called 'West Coast Salmon War' of the 1990s. From Harbour Publishing, Salmon Wars gives us the point of view of someone in the eye of the storm, its author, Dennis Brown, who joins me on the line today.
Dennis Brown's family has fished commercially for three generations, and he's served as fishery policy advisor to the premier of British Columbia until 2001. Mr. Brown, among other things, was also secretary-treasurer of the United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union (UFAWU). Salmon Wars retails for $25.95, and makes for an informative précis of the industry, and more importantly, it's readable. Please welcome to THECOMMENTARY.CA, Dennis Brown; Good morning, Mr. Brown.
©1999-2005. The Commentary, Joseph Planta