Dustin Diamond
Wednesday, 25 May 2005
The comedian Dustin Diamond talked with Joseph Planta about being a stand up comedian, what to expect when he's in town this weekend, and of course, his decade-long run as Screech Powers on the television series, Saved By the Bell. As well, he says whether he's ever been to the Neverland Ranch.
You will need the Real Player to listen to the interviews. If you don't have it, you can download it at http://www.real.com.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
I'm pleased to welcome now, this morning, Dustin Diamond to THECOMMENTARY.CA. Mr. Diamond is headlining at Yuk Yuk's Vancouver at the Century Plaza Hotel (1015 Burrard St.) this Friday and Saturday evening, tickets are $25.00. For more information or reservations call 604.696.9857 (696.YUKS), or go online at http://www.yukyuks.com. Dustin Diamond is perhaps one of the most recognisable faces in show business today. When he was in the fifth grade he beat out 5,000 hopefuls for the role of Samuel 'Screech' Powers on the popular television series Saved By the Bell, which was originally called Good Morning, Miss Bliss. He has appeared in other television series and movies, and is also an accomplished musician and songwriter, playing bass for the band Salty the Pocketknife. Please welcome to THECOMMENTARY.CA, Dustin Diamond; Good morning, Mr. Diamond.
Yuk Yuks: http://www.yukyuks.com
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