Paul Willcocks
Thursday, 12 May 2005
Paul Willcocks, freelance political columnist and blogger, willcocks.blogspot.com, joined Joseph Planta to discuss provincial politics five days before election and referendum day; how Gordon Campbell has done, how Carole James has done, and possibly what the political landscape could look like after Tuesday.
You will need the Real Player to listen to the interviews. If you don't have it, you can download it at http://www.real.com.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
Joining me now from Victoria is the freelance political columnist Paul Willcocks. He was once publisher of the Victoria Times-Colonist, but since 1996, he's covered politics and policy for the Globe and Mail, Reuters, and regularly in the Vancouver Sun. You can also read his writing on his own blog, which is at willcocks.blogspot.com. He is the 2003 recipient of the Jack Webster Foundation's Commentator of the Year Award, and in 2000 was a National Magazine Award finalist. You can also hear him on The Rafe Mair Show each Monday morning. Please welcome to THECOMMENTARY.CA, Paul Willcocks; Good morning, Mr. Willcocks.
Paul Willcocks's blog: http://willcocks.blogspot.com
©1999-2005. The Commentary, Joseph Planta