Patrick Wong
Monday, 02 May 2005
BC Liberal incumbent in Vancouver Kensington and Minister of State for Immigration and Multicultural Services, the Hon. Patrick Wong went on the line with Joseph Planta to talk about his work as an MLA and why he should be re-elected on May 17th.
You will need the Real Player to listen to the interviews. If you don't have it, you can download it at http://www.real.com.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
Continuing our effort to meet the candidates in my riding, Vancouver Kensington, I'm joined on the line this afternoon by Patrick Wong, the incumbant, and the BC Liberal candidate. Last week, I spoke to the NDP challenger, David Chudnovsky, and from now until Election Day, I hope to speak with all of the other candidates who'll be on the ballot here in Kensington.
Patrick Wong was first elected to the British Columbia Legislature representing Vancouver Kensington in 2001. He was appointed Minister of State for Immigration and Multicultural Services in September 2004. Please welcome to THECOMMENTARY.CA, the Hon. Patrick Wong; Good afternoon, Minister.
Patrick Wong's election website: http://www.patrickwong.net
Minister's website : http://www.mcaws.gov.bc.ca
©1999-2005. The Commentary, Joseph Planta