Denis D. Metin, This Great Nation of Ours: Fighting American Ignorance
Thursday, 17 March 2005
Denis D. Metin, an American teen who has written a vitrolic but thought-provoking book, This Great Nation of Ours: Fighting American Ignorance (Trafford, 2005), talked with Joseph Planta about ignorance in America and its government's ignorance in its foriegn policy.
You will need the Real Player to listen to the interviews. If you don't have it, you can download it at http://www.real.com.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
My next guest has just written a new book, This Great Nation of Ours: Fighting American Ignorance. It's published by Trafford Books, $20.00 CDN ($16.25 USD), and the author, Denis D. Metin joins me on the line from Washington, DC. We'll talk to him about his book, and why he is frustrated with the Bush administration's simplistic view of international affairs; especially in light of their relationship with the United Nations and Israel, and the pre-emptive war in Iraq.
Please welcome to THECOMMENTARY.CA, Denis D. Metin; Good morning, Mr. Metin.
To order or for more information about This Great Nation of Ours: Fighting American Ignorance, go to: http://www.trafford.com/robots/03-2436.html
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