Warren Kinsella
Tuesday, 02 November 2004
Tuesday afternoon, Warren Kinsella, former Liberal Party strategist, as well as aide to former prime minister Jean Chrétien was on the line to discuss his thoughts about the campaign. The acclaimed dean of Canada's blog nation also discussed the state of his party and Canadian political affairs.
You will need the Real Player to listen to the interviews. If you don't have it, you can download it at http://www.real.com.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
We continue our look at the Presidential election, and with his thoughts and perspective, we've got Warren Kinsella on the line.
"Liberal propagandist," "mudslinger," and "professional purveyor of paranoia," are some of the phrases used to describe him; while Lawrence Martin once described him as "the Lee Atwater of Canadian politics." The Ottawa Citizen called him, "our version of James Carville."
A lawyer, political consultant, and political pundit, Mr. Kinsella was a special assistant to former prime minister Jean Chrétien. In 1997, he ran unsuccessfully for the federal Liberals in North Vancouver. He's also the author of four books, most recently Kicking Ass in Canadian Politics (Random House, 2001).
His acclaimed blog can be found at http://www.warrenkinsella.com/musings.htm. It's my pleasure to have Canadian politics' 'Prince of Darkness' with me, as he sheds some light on political affairs south of us, as well as in this fair country.
From Toronto, welcome to THECOMMENTARY.CA, Warren Kinsella; Good afternoon, Mr. Kinsella.
This segment was produced by Joseph Planta.
©1999-2004. The Commentary, Joseph Planta