Dr. Richard E. Foglesong
Monday, 01 November 2004
Dr. Richard E. Foglesong, a professor of Political Science at Rollins College in Florida, gave an overview of what to expect after Tuesday's vote.
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Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
With a day or less to go, we continue our look at Tuesday's American presidential election.
Joining me on the line now is Dr. Richard Foglesong, a professor of Political Science at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. We'll discuss the campaign and the election to come with the Professor, who is also the author of Married to the Mouse: Walt Disney World and Orlando (Yale University Press, 2003).
Welcome to THECOMMENTARY.CA, Dr. Richard Foglesong; Good afternoon, Professor Foglesong.
This segment was produced by Joseph Planta, with Richie Leung
©1999-2004. The Commentary, Joseph Planta