Darlene Marzari
Thursday, 07 October 2004
Former Vancouver alderman and provincial cabinet minister Darlene Marzari tells Joseph Planta why she's voting 'yes' in the upcoming plebiscite on whether councillors should be elected in a ward system.
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Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
On Saturday, 16 October 2004, the citizens of the City of Vancouver will vote in a plebiscite on whether city councillors should be elected, as they are now, at-large, or in a ward system, whereby the city would be divided into 14 wards.
Last week, I spoke with Councillor Sam Sullivan who represents the Knowards Coalition, leading the 'no' side. Today, joining me on the line is Darlene Marzari, who's in charge of the 'yes' campaign.
For eight years, from 1972 to 1980, Darlene Marzari served as a Vancouver alderman. From 1986 to 1996, she represented the riding of Vancouver-Point Grey in the British Columbia Legislature, where from 1991, when the NDP got into power she served in cabinet, first as tourism minister, then municipal affairs minister.
Marzari is also the founder of the toy business, Kaboodles, as well as a member of the Fraser Basin Council, Save Our Parklands Association, and the Big Sisters Society of BC, where's she's an emeritus director.
Welcome to thecommentary.ca, Darlene Marzari; Good afternoon, Ms. Marzari.
This segment was produced by Joseph Planta; with assistance from Richie Leung.
©1999-2004. The Commentary, Joseph Planta