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Amanda Siebert

17 October 2018 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

The award-winning journalist and photographer Amanda Siebert, the first cannabis editor at the Georgia Straight discusses her new book, The Little Book of Cannabis: How Marijuana Can Improve Your Life (Greystone, 2018), with Joseph Planta.

The Little Book of Cannabis: How Marijuana Can Improve Your Life by Amanda Siebert (Greystone, 2018).

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: The Little Book of Cannabis

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, at TheCommentary.ca.

This week, marijuana will be legal in Canada. A new book looks at pot and just how it might better one’s life. The Little Book of Cannabis: How Marijuana Can Improve Your Life is the timely book by Amanda Siebert, who joins me now. There’s a lot of research in the book as to the benefits of weed, whether it can help one get a better night’s sleep, or help with exercise and weight loss. Historically marijuana has had a benefit to cancer patients, and I’ll get Ms. Siebert to tell us about other practical applications she’s found out in the course of writing this book. There’s been a lot of confusion around cannabis, whether it’s a gateway drug, or addictive, or makes one crazy; those are just some of the things she also clarifies in the book. Amanda Siebert is an award-winning journalist and photographer, who was the first-ever cannabis editor at the Georgia Straight. The foreword to the book is written by Rav Ivker, a holistic family doctor based out of Boulder, Colorado. Amanda will be making two presentations later this month at the Vancouver Health Show (27, 28 October 2018), as well she’ll be part of A Night of Noir in North Vancouver on 30 October 2018. Amanda’s Twitter handle is @amanda_siebert. This new book is published by Greystone Books. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Amanda Siebert; Ms. Siebert, good morning.