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Eden Robinson

22 February 2017 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

The bestselling and acclaimed author Eden Robinson discusses her latest novel Son of a Trickster, (Knopf, 2017), and more, with Joseph Planta.

Son of a Trickster by Eden Robinson (Knopf, 2017).

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: Son of a Trickster

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, at TheCommentary.ca.

Eden Robinson joins me now. She has just published her latest book, Son of a Trickster. It’s a novel that’s getting good notices. I just started it and it’s captivating. It’s funny and it’s heartfelt, and it’s just an enjoyable experience. I’ll get Ms. Robinson to tell us about her book, and the characters therein, chiefly Jared, of high school age, and the people around him. We’ll also talk about the setting. And about her process in writing, how she wrote this book and what was going around her. Eden Robinson is the Haisla and Heiltsuk. She is the author of previous books Traplines, Monkey Beach, and Blood Sports. She received the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize, and was a finalist for the Giller Prize and the Governor General’s Award for Fiction. She lives in Kitimat, BC. She will be in Vancouver as part of Incite, presented by the Vancouver Writers Fest, next Wednesday, 22 February 2017 at the Public Library’s Central Branch downtown. Visit www.writersfest.bc.ca for more information. The book is published by Knopf. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Eden Robinson; Ms. Robinson, good morning.