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Patrick O’Neil

The teacher and author Patrick O’Neil discusses his book, Cowboy Movies and American Culture: Understanding the Invasion of Iraq (2016), with Joseph Planta.

Cowboy Movies and American Culture: Understanding the Invasion of Iraq by Patrick O’Neil (2016).

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: Cowboy Movies and American Culture [1]

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, at TheCommentary.ca.

There’s a fascinating new book worth reading. It’ll put a lot of the last 15 years in context when it comes to understanding the United States, its leadership, and its place in the world. The book is called Cowboy Movies and American Culture: Understanding the Invasion of Iraq is by Patrick O’Neil. He joins me now and I’ll get him to tell us about this book that looks at the mythos of the cowboy has become so much of how Americans see themselves, and how Americans are viewed by the wider world. We see in this book how George W. Bush came onto the American political scene very much like a cowboy, and how that ideal might have influenced his attitudes, his beliefs and ultimately his actions. Patrick O’Neil is a retired teacher living in Nelson, where he joins me from today. You can get this book off of Amazon. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, Patrick O’Neil; Mr. O’Neil, good morning.