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Conrad Black

The author and historian Conrad Black discusses his new book Rise to Greatness: A History of Canada from the Vikings to the Present (McClelland & Stewart, 2014), with Joseph Planta.

Rise to Greatness: A History of Canada from the Vikings to the Present by Conrad Black (McClelland & Stewart, 2014).

Click to buy this book from Amazon.ca: Rise to Greatness [1]

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, at TheCommentary.ca.

Conrad Black joins me again. He has just published a pretty big book, a pretty good look at Canadian history. In Rise to Greatness: A History of Canada from the Vikings to the Present, he gives us several hundreds of years of history. It’s a good time to look at Canada’s past, as the author claims, only through understanding the past can we reveal the future. I’ll get Conrad Black to tell us about why this book and why now; the great leaders he feels shaped the country throughout its history, and those qualities that yield great leadership; as well as where he feels the country is headed. I’ll also get him to reflect on what he might view in terms of a change in attitude from Canada and Canadians. Conrad Black’s biographies of Maurice Duplessis, Franklin Roosevelt, and Richard Nixon were critical hits. His memoirs A Life in Progress, and A Matter of Principle were bestsellers, as was his most recent book, Flight of the Eagle, which was a strategic history of America. He is a financier and columnist for the National Post, which he founded, and the National Review Online. The website for more is at www.conradmblack.com [2]. He lives in Toronto, and joined me last week while in Vancouver to promote this new book, which is published by McClelland & Stewart. Please welcome back to the Planta: On the Line program, Conrad Black; Lord Black, good morning.