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Julian West

10 May 2005 | Email This Post Email This Post | Print This Post Print This Post

With seven days until the referendum, Joseph Planta spoke with Julian West co-chair of the STV for BC organisation, the leading proponent for the STV proposal. He walked Planta through the process, how the voting is done under STV, how ballots are counted, and what it’ll mean to British Columbians should the system be adopted.

Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:

With seven days until the general election and referendum on STV here in British Columbia, we continue to look at the referendum with Julian West, co-chair of the STV for BC organisation, the leading proponent for the ‘yes’ side. The website is http://www.stvforbc.com. He is also an instructor of mathematics at Malaspina University College in Nanaimo. Please welcome to THECOMMENTARY.CA, Julian West; Good morning, Dr. West.


STV For BC: http://www.stvforbc.com