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By Joseph Planta

VANCOUVER - I am often asked a number of questions. Questions are an interesting thing, because in formulating your response you’re on your toes trying to piece something together. Even the innocent question like, “How ‘ya doin’?,” takes some strength in an answer.

Lemme use this column to answer some pressing questions, that some of you have asked over the last six minutes. One that I get all the time is if I actually write The Commentary. Well, to put it ever so bluntly, yes. I sit infront of the old putter and type away. I also get asked how long I’ve been married to Anna Nicole, but this is neither the time and place to get into that one.

The thing about questions I like are that in some form, thinking of a good response makes you think. In the age of virtual reality and the “web”, no one thinks anymore. When was the last time you thought about the art of asking questions? Maybe it’s the embedded desire in me to be just like a politician. I think hopping into a scrum or a press conference, as the prey of a hungry press corps, would be fun. I guess its the embedded sicko in me?

I was put in that bind the other day. I was doing a hokey presentation in Tourism 11, an ever so hokey course that delves into the earth shattering world of tourism. The piece was somehow pitching the tourist value of Main Street. And in doing so, I made an innocent comparison to Main and Hastings and some bugger asked what I thought about the Downtown Eastside. Totally off topic, but I thrust forward into that question in my most Trudeauesque, and gave that bugger a response that had the audience reeling. I was actually quite impressed by my ability to keep on my toes like that. After that performance, Gemini-winning material, by the way; no one dared ask a question. Perhaps the career in politics is in the wings, after all? Especially if welding falls through.

The question that people seem to be ask me lately, not just me, but really anyone in my demographic: What do you want to do with your life? Well in terms of a job, I guess something in journalism. I want my own column, maybe an anchor gig. I’ll leave my options open, especially the welding. But that brings up another query, what exactly will I do? Well, I guess the shortform to that is, I want to make my life meaningful in some form. Now, I don’t think I’ll cure a 3rd world disease or pay off the national debt; but I want to do something meaningful, if for no one else but me. I want to think to myself on my death bed, later rather than sooner, that I actually lived a good life.

So let me lift this glass of raspberry cocktail, my favourite drink for the person who asked, and wish you a good life. But, you know what? I think I’ll need that wish for myself. Oh, and do keep them cards and letters coming...

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